She can't prove anything!
Oh well, it's true.... But hey, I already confessed to a lack of sarcast-o-meter in my brain (which, by the way, is a nice and healthy 1400 gms) in my previous post...
So there's no use rubbing it all in again....
By the way, if you were wondering why I'm writing (or rather, typing) all this with tearful eyes, it is because I couldn't stop laughing at Songeuse's post...
Don't mistake me, I'm not saying she's done a bad job with it....It's just that the "imaginary situation" she chose is imaginary, would never take place in real life and is completely misleading about my sense of humour...!
I mean, you readers would probably have come to realise what a wonderfully funny guy I am and many of you might be thinking I'm God's funniest gift to mankind...(Wait a minute...does that statement mean what I want it to mean?)
And either way, G.O.D. (Hey, Songs, guess what? Whether you like it or not, this name is here for the long-term, so there!) and Sugar (See previous comment in brackets) would never fight about something like whose shirt is whiter( and yes, it is a word).....
And G.O.D. and Sugar...? Before thanking me, I guess you better read the next part....*gulp*
Those two would not fight about stuff like whose shirt is whiter, true, because the things they fight about are even more sillier!
Either way, that's for another day...right now, I'm focused on righting some wrongs done to me in the previous post....
1. I don't send msgs consisting of just ?'s and !'s alone!
2. I am not stupid to ask someone how their day was, at 8 am in the morning! (P.s. Songs, I think you must have mistook me for another friend of yours)
3. Well, I forgot what I was about to say here....*sheepish grin*
And lastly, people can't just go around blaming me for not writing bigger posts...if I get enough material to write about, the post is bigger....Q.E.D
I don't have the....talent, you might say....of blowing things out of proportion, unlike some people I know....*ahem, ahem*
Well, that's it then....I will keep you guys updated on the things the devilish duo fought about, soon....:)
The Good Ol' Days
I created this blog to share my school life and the different set of characters I was surrounded by in school with you.
I think you will find many funny incidents and not-so-funny incidents that happened to me in school in this blog.
No offense meant to any person. All the views and opinions are my personal views and I am solely responsible for them.
I think you will find many funny incidents and not-so-funny incidents that happened to me in school in this blog.
No offense meant to any person. All the views and opinions are my personal views and I am solely responsible for them.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Sarcasm - Part II
Sarcasm – ha! What a sweet word. The sweetest word after the word sweet. No, that would be unfair to chocolates. So it is the sweetest word after sweet and chocolates. Now that we have established the sweetness of sarcasm, let us move on to more important matters. Gomu, in his previous post, gave us all an insight of how his friends *rolling eyes* react to sarcasm,*rolling eyes in opposite direction* or rather handle sarcasm * rolling eyes in full 360° in both directions, so much so that it takes a minute to gather focus *.
But he very conveniently left out the part about how he... * racking my brains hard for a good enough word, coming up empty* ...reacts(?) to sarcasm (unlike his friends, he cannot handle it (not that his friends know how to handle it(Sorry Gomu, didn’t mean to insult(that's a pretty strong word) your friends(not that I mind(there are just so many bloody parenthesis I have no idea how to get out of it(?))))).
Bloody head hurts....does yours? I bet it does. Sorry about the digression, was just sharing my opinions. Anyway, back to Gomu’s reaction to sarcasm * refrains from rolling eyes *.
Basically Gomu is quite predictable. At least his conversation are. He has a predictable no scratch that, he has just one set of questions that he keeps throwing at you everyday. He is like an automated computer quiz that asks the same questions all the time. So after the first few times, the novelty wears out and you can answer all the question without sparing a glance. His questions go something like this....
How are you?
How was your day? (A question right after a “good morning” message at 8.00 am in the morning. No wonder I do not reply to his good morning messages)
Hows life going?(Does he need to ask this every day. Honestly Gomu, do you think I’m on a roller coaster and a life altering change happens to me just about every day? Even if it did, do not worry you’ll be one of the first 100 people I let know about it (what?? I have a lot of friends...))
Why haven’t you been replying to my texts lately? (Apparently, he is yet to understand the meaning of the word b-u-s-y. Busy. )
Did you have breakfast/lunch/dinner?
I have had to go through this routine every time. So after answering the same questions 20 times, the 21st time out conversation went like this.
Gomu: Hi.
Me: Hey. I’m fine. My day ‘was’ perfect *until you decided to text *. Life is great, absolutely spiffy and why would it not be with you as my friend. I have been busy over the week and hence couldn't reply. Yes I had my breakfast and lunch, would let you know about dinner soon.
Gomu: ??!!??!!??!!??!!??!! (I know how an exclamatory mark and question mark looks, thanks for the illustration anyway, could you get on with the text(sorry, I know this is Gomu’s reply, couldn’t resist my mind voice))
you just about emptied my question arsenal (figures huh?). How did you do it?
Me: Didn’t you know, I can read minds.
Gomu: ??!!??!!??!!??!!??!! (Dramatic is Gomu’s middle name).
Wait wait. Do not bang your head, until its a pillow. I banged my head after reading his reply and that left me with a bump on my forehead the size of Gomu’s brain (its up to u to decide the size) for the rest of the week.
Ah, I can hear hear Gomu defending that it was a text conversation and hence could not detect the underlain sarcasm. Fair enough, I say. So let me conjure up an imaginary scene.
Imaginary scene :
G.O.D(ugh...I hate this name more than I hated the guy..and that's saying something) and Sugar(I feel ridiculous to even comment on this name) are chewing each others heads off arguing whose shirt is whiter( I admit, I don’t know if its a word) after a basket ball match wearing red and Grey t-shirts(respectively if I might add), the aforementioned shirts lying completely abandoned on the floor going grayer with every passing nano seconds (blame the dramatic-ness on Gomu).
On the other side, Gomu and his friends ((?) “?” because Gomu always feels that people whom he considers friends, do no reciprocate the gesture, so I’m unsure of how to refer them) are laughing at the funny * ahem * *ahem * exchange . Gomu then turns to me, who is standing beside, glaring menacingly at the devilish duo (I just about choked now).
Gomu: Aren’t they so damn funny? (Laughs like a maniac.)
Me: Of course, they are hilarious I think I broke my rib bones laughing so hard. (I say with a perfectly calm face, no hint of humor and the menacing glare intact.)
Gomu: I know hilarious indeed. (Still laughing hard.)
I banged my head, against my better judgment (imaginatively of course) and had a big bump (nope, not the size of Gomu’s brain. I did mention ‘big’ this time, leaving nothing to your speculation) for the next two imaginary weeks. I would have gone on with detailing Gomu’s friends’ reactions too, but since this post is all about Gomu, I leave it at that.
PS: What?? I like leaving a PS even when I have nothing to say.
PPS: we go *deep breathing in and out * I’d like to a-ap-apo-apol-apolo-apolog-apologi-apologiz-apologize to Gomu(no, not for showing the world the real you) for borrowing his friends without his permission. Phew...Jesus... I swear...wait did I say Jesus? Yes I did. Why am I calling Jesus when I have about 333,00,00,000 deities to call for help? Wow! I must be really going mad. So its official now? But it was official last year too...and the year before too. How can I make something official that already is official?
I guess that's official proof to my official madness...
PPPS: Whoa....hold not kill me...yet. I just wanted to say bye and sorry about the massive post. In my defense, I like to keep my posts bigger unlike some people. * pointed glare at Gomu who pointedly looks away*
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Uh, hi guys...
I was busy, so I couldn't...blah blah blah...
Now that we've finished with the greetings, let's move on to the article...
Sarcasm is a mysterious thing.... I looked it up in wikipedia, and this is what I found-
Sarcasm is “a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter jibe or taunt. ”
People have often said to me that I couldn't recognise sarcasm if it hit me in the face....
I disagree... I say that I absolutely refuse to identify sarcasm even if it was wearing a pinstriped suit and a top hat and holding a cane and doing a scottish dance in front of me at twice the speed of light!
I've learnt that there are various types of sarcasm prevalent among my friends.....
1. Funny: This is usually employed by, suppose we were notified by our principal that our behaviour was inappropriate in class, he would go, "yeah of course!"
(Um, guys...? I think I already mentioned that I suffered a disability of not being able to recognise sarcasms....)
2. Weird: This is employed by mokka mukkee.... same example as above: mokka mukkee's reaction, "ahen!"
3. Insulting: This is by G.O.D....Same example: "Yeah, and gomu can sing!"
4. Pathapein: I couldn't classify this in any of the categories! Same example as above: "????" (Fill any nonsensical sentence there...whatever it is, he'd claim he was being sarcastic!)
Well, I'm still trying like hell to understand sarcastic remarks from my friends, and I wish people would hold classes for stuff like this.....:(
I was busy, so I couldn't...blah blah blah...
Now that we've finished with the greetings, let's move on to the article...
Sarcasm is a mysterious thing.... I looked it up in wikipedia, and this is what I found-
Sarcasm is “a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter jibe or taunt. ”
People have often said to me that I couldn't recognise sarcasm if it hit me in the face....
I disagree... I say that I absolutely refuse to identify sarcasm even if it was wearing a pinstriped suit and a top hat and holding a cane and doing a scottish dance in front of me at twice the speed of light!
I've learnt that there are various types of sarcasm prevalent among my friends.....
1. Funny: This is usually employed by, suppose we were notified by our principal that our behaviour was inappropriate in class, he would go, "yeah of course!"
(Um, guys...? I think I already mentioned that I suffered a disability of not being able to recognise sarcasms....)
2. Weird: This is employed by mokka mukkee.... same example as above: mokka mukkee's reaction, "ahen!"
3. Insulting: This is by G.O.D....Same example: "Yeah, and gomu can sing!"
4. Pathapein: I couldn't classify this in any of the categories! Same example as above: "????" (Fill any nonsensical sentence there...whatever it is, he'd claim he was being sarcastic!)
Well, I'm still trying like hell to understand sarcastic remarks from my friends, and I wish people would hold classes for stuff like this.....:(
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Unforeseen Circumstances guys must be wondering where I ran off to and abandoned the blog to its fate.
I won't attempt explaining the reason(s) why I did what I did because what I did was something I had to do due to certain unforeseen circumstances.(Phew! I had to sit the whole night trying to construct this sentence and make sense of it)
Anyway, all of my Intelligence agents are currently busy digging up dirt(Ahem, gathering Intelligence) about my classmates and are currently located in France, Russia, America, London, Iraq and so on, in search of incriminating evidence against them. You just have to wait till they come back and give me good printing material, to post in this blog. And they might be back before the end of this century, so hopefully you guys won't have to wait much longer.(Whoa, I AM good at stalling, aren't I?)
Till then, you are going to have to grit your teeth and read Pathapein's infinite pearls of wisdom, which has a good entertaining value, I'm told (by none other than Pathapein himself!).
You may condemn me to hell, but that's how it is!!
I won't attempt explaining the reason(s) why I did what I did because what I did was something I had to do due to certain unforeseen circumstances.(Phew! I had to sit the whole night trying to construct this sentence and make sense of it)
Anyway, all of my Intelligence agents are currently busy digging up dirt(Ahem, gathering Intelligence) about my classmates and are currently located in France, Russia, America, London, Iraq and so on, in search of incriminating evidence against them. You just have to wait till they come back and give me good printing material, to post in this blog. And they might be back before the end of this century, so hopefully you guys won't have to wait much longer.(Whoa, I AM good at stalling, aren't I?)
Till then, you are going to have to grit your teeth and read Pathapein's infinite pearls of wisdom, which has a good entertaining value, I'm told (by none other than Pathapein himself!).
You may condemn me to hell, but that's how it is!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Devilish Duo
Hi guys!
It's been quite a long time since I posted something, so here goes.
Our class was famous because of two people studying in our class. They were a popular duo in school. One was G.O.D and the other was Sugar (Yeah I know, it's a crappy nickname, but that was the best I could come up with *sheepish grin*).
These two were good friends and were actually neighbours. G.O.D was popular with the guys, while Sugar was, well, he was something out of an AXE commercial.
Anyway, these two guys were really popular in school, due to various reasons. One of them being that they were good stage entertainers.
Sugar could play the keyboard well and considered himself a good drummer as well (As good as the Beatles could perform heavy metal).
But these two were far from innocent. So far that they would have to travel by train to reach it.
The stuff they did in school went by undetected by the staff, though I believe everyone in the staff had their suspicions.
NEXT WEEK: Unbelievable stuff done by the devilish duo! (Sorry guys, had to run! I'll definitely post something next week.Keep checking!)
It's been quite a long time since I posted something, so here goes.
Our class was famous because of two people studying in our class. They were a popular duo in school. One was G.O.D and the other was Sugar (Yeah I know, it's a crappy nickname, but that was the best I could come up with *sheepish grin*).
These two were good friends and were actually neighbours. G.O.D was popular with the guys, while Sugar was, well, he was something out of an AXE commercial.
Anyway, these two guys were really popular in school, due to various reasons. One of them being that they were good stage entertainers.
Sugar could play the keyboard well and considered himself a good drummer as well (As good as the Beatles could perform heavy metal).
But these two were far from innocent. So far that they would have to travel by train to reach it.
The stuff they did in school went by undetected by the staff, though I believe everyone in the staff had their suspicions.
NEXT WEEK: Unbelievable stuff done by the devilish duo! (Sorry guys, had to run! I'll definitely post something next week.Keep checking!)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The Weirdos
Well, I decided to include a short bio about the guys in my class. So that you know the kind of people I had to deal with everyday!
1. BABY:
Well, the reason behind his nickname is his childish behaviour. He used to act like a spoilt brat, always demanding this or that from us. He just loved to talk about himself. I mean, our telephone conversations were always something like this:
"Goms, did you know I got the highest in this test? I am so intelligent..."
"Hey, I downloaded this from the internet just now. I like watching it you know..."
"Oh my god, I have to cut my hair, it's grown too long!"
If I tried to put a word in between, like,
"Yeah, you know wha.."
"Just shut up and listen to me! Actually..."
He had a varied range of disorders, from balding hair to kidney stones. He used to go on for months about his balding problem. He used to ask everyone, "Is my scalp visible through the hair?"
Now onto some of his favourites:
a) Bouncing me at the wall, whenever I went to his home.
b) DBZ: He was a DBZ addict, a harmful habit. Not to him, but me! He would hold me by the scruff of my neck, push my face near the screen and make me watch the same episode, same dialogue hundreds of times!
c) F.R.I.E.N.D.S: He was a F.R.I.E.N.D.S addict too! See above.
But all in all, he was, and still is, a very good friend of mine.
2. The Blob:
He was a guy who liked to be depressed about things like fun and happiness. He would flee at the first sign of fun, dunno why. He would never hang out much with us, giving reasons like, "Guy, I have to study for the Board Exams!", the exams in question being for the next year!
Or, he would say that his father would scold him if he was late by even a second and escape.
But he had a GREAT sarcastic sense of humour. We had fun listening to his comments about different happenings in class.
The Blob's also a very good friend to me.
3. Mokka Mukkee:
The class nerd. He came complete with thick- lensed glasses, and a skinny appearance.
His (failed) attempts at cracking jokes to become popular resulted in some really weird ones, like: What do you call a numerologist who likes telling jokes?
A humour-ologist!
Pathetic, right???
1. BABY:
Well, the reason behind his nickname is his childish behaviour. He used to act like a spoilt brat, always demanding this or that from us. He just loved to talk about himself. I mean, our telephone conversations were always something like this:
"Goms, did you know I got the highest in this test? I am so intelligent..."
"Hey, I downloaded this from the internet just now. I like watching it you know..."
"Oh my god, I have to cut my hair, it's grown too long!"
If I tried to put a word in between, like,
"Yeah, you know wha.."
"Just shut up and listen to me! Actually..."
He had a varied range of disorders, from balding hair to kidney stones. He used to go on for months about his balding problem. He used to ask everyone, "Is my scalp visible through the hair?"
Now onto some of his favourites:
a) Bouncing me at the wall, whenever I went to his home.
b) DBZ: He was a DBZ addict, a harmful habit. Not to him, but me! He would hold me by the scruff of my neck, push my face near the screen and make me watch the same episode, same dialogue hundreds of times!
c) F.R.I.E.N.D.S: He was a F.R.I.E.N.D.S addict too! See above.
But all in all, he was, and still is, a very good friend of mine.
2. The Blob:
He was a guy who liked to be depressed about things like fun and happiness. He would flee at the first sign of fun, dunno why. He would never hang out much with us, giving reasons like, "Guy, I have to study for the Board Exams!", the exams in question being for the next year!
Or, he would say that his father would scold him if he was late by even a second and escape.
But he had a GREAT sarcastic sense of humour. We had fun listening to his comments about different happenings in class.
The Blob's also a very good friend to me.
3. Mokka Mukkee:
The class nerd. He came complete with thick- lensed glasses, and a skinny appearance.
His (failed) attempts at cracking jokes to become popular resulted in some really weird ones, like: What do you call a numerologist who likes telling jokes?
A humour-ologist!
Pathetic, right???
Friday, May 28, 2010
The Insider Knowledge.
So here are the logical reasons behind the names for the girls of my class.
- Dreamette: One of the very few persons I have known who follows her dreams without the slightest hesitation. She is neither afraid to dream big, nor hesitant in achieving it. She lives the way she wants to, without giving a damn about any body or anything else for that matter.
- Haywire: One of my best friends, who is prone to mood swings as much as japan is prone to tsunamis. She can never stick on to one decision or one choice or even one mood for more than, say half an hour(that’s the maximum). Its like her brain is hardwired to a fluctuating voltage source which in turn fluctuates her moods and decisions.
- Dovey: The peacemaker of our little gang. She’s one of those people who is friendly with even the enemies! She is also the messenger of our gang. Its through her that we send and receive messages from others.
- Esager : A friend of mine who is best suited to be a script writer or story writer for science fiction movies. That's because she has an amazing power to exaggerate things way beyond the limit. I mean, you just have to ask her if she has seen the sunrise, she will launch into a blow by blow detail of even the minutest thing with a great deal of animation and exaggeration.
- Razon: Another one of my friends. The reason behind her name is reason. She has a reason for each and everything. She is what you call a verbose. Her favorite words are “Actually” and “Because”! And she uses them frequently enough to drive you crazy.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Poetic Me!
You know, when I was doing high school, I was interested in poetry...
So I decided to try my hand at writing one...this is the result:
I once had a wonderful dog,
The dog got lost in a fog,
It drowned in an eerie bog,
And got turned into a log.
The log was floating about,
It got found by a trout,
Whose profession was a scout,
It looked at the log with a pout.
The trout was excited,
It swam near the river bed,
And got caught by Big Ted,
Who liked fish big and dead.
Cool right?
Yeah I know, sometimes I amaze myself...
So I decided to try my hand at writing one...this is the result:
I once had a wonderful dog,
The dog got lost in a fog,
It drowned in an eerie bog,
And got turned into a log.
The log was floating about,
It got found by a trout,
Whose profession was a scout,
It looked at the log with a pout.
The trout was excited,
It swam near the river bed,
And got caught by Big Ted,
Who liked fish big and dead.
Cool right?
Yeah I know, sometimes I amaze myself...
English Power Rules!
I didn't sleep at all yesterday, and I'm typing this with bleary eyes.
The reason, you ask?
I had a moving telephone conversation with Pathapein (Yeah, I know...You are probably wondering why I changed the name...actually it's his wish...apparently some numerologist suggested this name change so that Pathapein could gain more good luck in his life)
Anyway, back to the original topic.
It was a...I don't know how to describe it...strange conversation, the sort that gives you nightmares.
Here's an excerpt from the conversation:
Me : Hi, what's up?
Pathapein: I is fine. You?
Me : I'm also doing good. So, where are you?
Pathapein: I is in Andhra Pradesh.
Me : What??? Why?
Pathapein: Why is what? (????)
Me : What?
Pathapein: What?
After ten minutes along these lines, we move on...
Me : So, your english seems to have improved...?
Pathapein: What is english? Why is it?
Me : (Ignoring his previous remark) How come you are speaking (comparitively) better english?
Pathapein: Mine is Pondy English Power(PEP) (Well, there you have, the reason for the title of this post!)
Me : What?
Pathapein: What?
Another ten minutes along these lines....
Me : Ok, gotta go...Have some work to do...bye
Pathapein: Why is you avoiding me?
Me : (DUH!) I'm not avoiding you...I have some work to do. Bye
And I cut the phone. Wonderfully 'PEP'-py talk right?
Anyway, I promised to myself that I'd post this conversation fully, but then I realised if I did post the full thing, then there wouldn't be any sane person living on Earth.
So I just posted the mildest part of the conversation. Hope you enjoyed it!
The reason, you ask?
I had a moving telephone conversation with Pathapein (Yeah, I know...You are probably wondering why I changed the name...actually it's his wish...apparently some numerologist suggested this name change so that Pathapein could gain more good luck in his life)
Anyway, back to the original topic.
It was a...I don't know how to describe it...strange conversation, the sort that gives you nightmares.
Here's an excerpt from the conversation:
Me : Hi, what's up?
Pathapein: I is fine. You?
Me : I'm also doing good. So, where are you?
Pathapein: I is in Andhra Pradesh.
Me : What??? Why?
Pathapein: Why is what? (????)
Me : What?
Pathapein: What?
After ten minutes along these lines, we move on...
Me : So, your english seems to have improved...?
Pathapein: What is english? Why is it?
Me : (Ignoring his previous remark) How come you are speaking (comparitively) better english?
Pathapein: Mine is Pondy English Power(PEP) (Well, there you have, the reason for the title of this post!)
Me : What?
Pathapein: What?
Another ten minutes along these lines....
Me : Ok, gotta go...Have some work to do...bye
Pathapein: Why is you avoiding me?
Me : (DUH!) I'm not avoiding you...I have some work to do. Bye
And I cut the phone. Wonderfully 'PEP'-py talk right?
Anyway, I promised to myself that I'd post this conversation fully, but then I realised if I did post the full thing, then there wouldn't be any sane person living on Earth.
So I just posted the mildest part of the conversation. Hope you enjoyed it!
english power,
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Real Intro..
Have you ever wanted to meet the most dramatic person on earth? Bingo! You have come to the right place. There can be no one more dramatic than the owner of this blog GOMU himself. The stunning intro he gave me (he calls it so) stands as an irrefutable proof to that.
The only truth in that post is that I’m a girl. And do you know what ? He actually asked me if he should reveal that I’m a girl. I know guys tend to be dumb at times, but this was way beyond my expectation! But what can I say, my high school was filled with such dumb people. It wasn’t just guys, girls were no lesser them.
I can hear you asking if I were one of them. Of course not, how can you think so? I was one of those sensible girls in the class who demanded a certain amount of fear from every body at some point of time. I have heard from close reliable sources that a few of the teaching faculties were a tad bit afraid of me too.
So moving on.... I am here to give you a tour of my school life with all these dumb and not so dumb people. I am not guaranteeing you anything. I had a great time studying in this school and being around all my classmates. I hope you have the same fun reading about them too.
PS: Keep checking the ‘My Classmates’ page for latest updates about the girls in our class!
Hi guys,
Look no further!
One of my classmates has joined this blog as an she'll also be writing about The School and her views...
(Gosh! I always wanted to do that, like they do for new books! :-D)
Look no further!
One of my classmates has joined this blog as an she'll also be writing about The School and her views...
(Gosh! I always wanted to do that, like they do for new books! :-D)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
A coincidental coincidence!
Hi guys...
I wanted to share an incident that once happened when I was in school (Isn't that what this blog is all about??)...It really freaks me out even now, whenever I think of it...
One day, we were in the computer lab, coz it was a free period for us...
So me and my group of friends decided to type in pathabeen's name in google, just for the heck of it...To see what would the results show...
So we opened google and typed in his name...As soon as we clicked the search button, there was a power cut in the school! Call me crazy, but I, for one, don't think it was a coincidence...
Because I happen to know for a fact that a few days later, pathabeen himself was curious and typed in his name...Yeah, full points, you guessed it right...It happened again...!!
I can't understand, and won't even try to, why this happened...Could it be that his name held some mysterious power?
I would put this incident somewhere in the vicinity of the top ten Mysteries Unsolved...
BTW, I'm having my semester exams from I may not be able to post anything till they get over....But I'll be on the lookout for opportunities to post something...Till then, take care!
I wanted to share an incident that once happened when I was in school (Isn't that what this blog is all about??)...It really freaks me out even now, whenever I think of it...
One day, we were in the computer lab, coz it was a free period for us...
So me and my group of friends decided to type in pathabeen's name in google, just for the heck of it...To see what would the results show...
So we opened google and typed in his name...As soon as we clicked the search button, there was a power cut in the school! Call me crazy, but I, for one, don't think it was a coincidence...
Because I happen to know for a fact that a few days later, pathabeen himself was curious and typed in his name...Yeah, full points, you guessed it right...It happened again...!!
I can't understand, and won't even try to, why this happened...Could it be that his name held some mysterious power?
I would put this incident somewhere in the vicinity of the top ten Mysteries Unsolved...
BTW, I'm having my semester exams from I may not be able to post anything till they get over....But I'll be on the lookout for opportunities to post something...Till then, take care!
Hi guys! This is Pathabeen...
I is always wanted to express my views about the world to everyone (Goms: that is, everyone who would listen)...So I is would like to use this blog as a medium through which I expresses my views...
Sometime ago, I discraved (Goms: Not discraved, discovered...His english is not that good, as you guys might have noticed) something of monetary (Goms: Monumental) importance...I was read about it in the internet...
It said that there were nano-bots! Science had managed to create nano-robots...So I is thought to myself...Do we should have to pay for the nano-bots in nano-gold?? I decides that it should be so... (Goms: The Emperor has spoken!)
So I is off to research more about nano-gold and its impulses (Goms: Implications)...catch you in my next post!
I is always wanted to express my views about the world to everyone (Goms: that is, everyone who would listen)...So I is would like to use this blog as a medium through which I expresses my views...
Sometime ago, I discraved (Goms: Not discraved, discovered...His english is not that good, as you guys might have noticed) something of monetary (Goms: Monumental) importance...I was read about it in the internet...
It said that there were nano-bots! Science had managed to create nano-robots...So I is thought to myself...Do we should have to pay for the nano-bots in nano-gold?? I decides that it should be so... (Goms: The Emperor has spoken!)
So I is off to research more about nano-gold and its impulses (Goms: Implications)...catch you in my next post!
Pathabeen joins us!
Hi guys...
Pathabeen has agreed to join us and give thoughtful insights into his brain(???) and his views upon life...Hope you enjoy reading his posts too!
Pathabeen has agreed to join us and give thoughtful insights into his brain(???) and his views upon life...Hope you enjoy reading his posts too!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Chemistry and Baggy
The chemistry department became very famous after the arrival of a new teacher...People called him Baggy, though not in front of him, of course...
We were fascinated by everything about him...His actions, his style of teaching, his grammar, and even his nose!
Many of us liked him....No no...correct that...All of us liked him...His classes were quite fun, not because he taught in an innovative way (which he didn't)....But because we were observing each and every tiny movement he made...We especially loved his characteristic laugh...You can't imagine it...
And one more special quality of his...His sarcasm...That was just amazing...
I remember once he was teaching us all sorts of complicated stuff...All of us were just gaping at him and the blackboard...We didn't understand anything, but we made an honest attempt to....At the end of the class, before leaving, he said, " will learn all this in M.Sc classes....This is not a part of your syllabus...Thank you" ... We were all stunned...Later on we had a good laugh about it...BTW, 'Shtoodents' is his way of saying 'students'...
One more incident...We had practicals one day and he was showing us some experiment...He asked the assistant to get some chemical...When the chemical was brought, he took a bit of it in a test-tube and heated it...Some fumes came out of the test-tube and we all instinctively closed our nostrils in order to avoid inhaling the fumes...He said, "Shtoodents, don't be afraid"... He held the test-tube near a particularly inquisitive student, who hesitantly smelled it... Someone asked," Sir, what are the fumes? Are they good or bad?" Baggy said, " Don't worry...The fumes may can be just carciogenic..."... In case you don't know what carciogenic means, it means the fumes are cancer-causing!!!
The poor guy almost fainted after hearing this...
But the teacher was just joking (I think)... The fumes weren't harmful (probably)...
I think now you have a rough idea about Baggy's sense of humour and insightful sarcasm...
These are just a few of the incidents that happened during Baggy's reign...
I'll catch up with some more incidents later...
We were fascinated by everything about him...His actions, his style of teaching, his grammar, and even his nose!
Many of us liked him....No no...correct that...All of us liked him...His classes were quite fun, not because he taught in an innovative way (which he didn't)....But because we were observing each and every tiny movement he made...We especially loved his characteristic laugh...You can't imagine it...
And one more special quality of his...His sarcasm...That was just amazing...
I remember once he was teaching us all sorts of complicated stuff...All of us were just gaping at him and the blackboard...We didn't understand anything, but we made an honest attempt to....At the end of the class, before leaving, he said, " will learn all this in M.Sc classes....This is not a part of your syllabus...Thank you" ... We were all stunned...Later on we had a good laugh about it...BTW, 'Shtoodents' is his way of saying 'students'...
One more incident...We had practicals one day and he was showing us some experiment...He asked the assistant to get some chemical...When the chemical was brought, he took a bit of it in a test-tube and heated it...Some fumes came out of the test-tube and we all instinctively closed our nostrils in order to avoid inhaling the fumes...He said, "Shtoodents, don't be afraid"... He held the test-tube near a particularly inquisitive student, who hesitantly smelled it... Someone asked," Sir, what are the fumes? Are they good or bad?" Baggy said, " Don't worry...The fumes may can be just carciogenic..."... In case you don't know what carciogenic means, it means the fumes are cancer-causing!!!
The poor guy almost fainted after hearing this...
But the teacher was just joking (I think)... The fumes weren't harmful (probably)...
I think now you have a rough idea about Baggy's sense of humour and insightful sarcasm...
These are just a few of the incidents that happened during Baggy's reign...
I'll catch up with some more incidents later...
The Department of Physics
Physics....Not one of my favourites...I had to put up with all the stuff like cyclotron, solenoid and other gizmos for two whole years...
There were two teachers, like I mentioned before...Let's call them A and B...
A looked like a soft-spoken, gentle teacher at the first glance...Once you get the privilege of being pinched by her, you would change your opinion instantly... I was one of the lucky to have been pinched by her almost everyday...
As I said earlier, I was very lazy (and still am, for that matter) and didn't like the prospect of completing my notes before entering the class...She didn't like the prospect of me NOT completing my notes before entering the classes...This difference in our views usually led to the scene of me being sent out of class, or, in the more extreme cases, to the Principal's chamber... I was usually able to get out of such tricky situations by my quick thinking ( I used to fall at their feet, crying and begging for mercy)... Soon she got fed up of sending me out everyday, and stopped taking any notice of me...
After some months she got transferred, and a new teacher came to fill the post...B....
B was quite a character....He used to look so serious and yet joked at the same time.... Soon the same situation arose...This time for the lab record...
I can't forget that day when I went to get my record signed...Many of you would have heard of the term 'Kodak moments'... His reaction when I submitted my record was a genuine 'Kodak moment'... You ask why? I hadn't gotten my record signed even once since the beginning of the year!
He was so flustered that he didn't know what to do...finally he just signed the record without saying anything...This is a secret technique guys...Fluster the teacher so badly that he will just sign and won't ask anything....
The Chemistry Department was another matter....
There were two teachers, like I mentioned before...Let's call them A and B...
A looked like a soft-spoken, gentle teacher at the first glance...Once you get the privilege of being pinched by her, you would change your opinion instantly... I was one of the lucky to have been pinched by her almost everyday...
As I said earlier, I was very lazy (and still am, for that matter) and didn't like the prospect of completing my notes before entering the class...She didn't like the prospect of me NOT completing my notes before entering the classes...This difference in our views usually led to the scene of me being sent out of class, or, in the more extreme cases, to the Principal's chamber... I was usually able to get out of such tricky situations by my quick thinking ( I used to fall at their feet, crying and begging for mercy)... Soon she got fed up of sending me out everyday, and stopped taking any notice of me...
After some months she got transferred, and a new teacher came to fill the post...B....
B was quite a character....He used to look so serious and yet joked at the same time.... Soon the same situation arose...This time for the lab record...
I can't forget that day when I went to get my record signed...Many of you would have heard of the term 'Kodak moments'... His reaction when I submitted my record was a genuine 'Kodak moment'... You ask why? I hadn't gotten my record signed even once since the beginning of the year!
He was so flustered that he didn't know what to do...finally he just signed the record without saying anything...This is a secret technique guys...Fluster the teacher so badly that he will just sign and won't ask anything....
The Chemistry Department was another matter....
The Popular Guy in class
Ok...Its time to talk about a cool guy in our class...He was cute, intelligent, sweet, caring, helpful, and generally the favourite of the class...
Yup, that's right...Me!
As you might have guessed, the 'Goms' part of the blog title refers to my nickname... Don't ask me the origin or the meaning...I myself have no idea...
Anyway, the first day in the new school (in pondicherry) was quite eventful...for me, that is...
Just before I entered the class for the first hour, my bag inexplicably got cut at the straps (maybe it was an omen) and promptly fell of my back...
I nervously entered the class, only to find that I was about ten minutes late...I got a nice hearing from the class teacher and took my place between a scrawny guy with glasses and a well built guy in the corner row...
The introductions were made and everyone got settled in the class...Suddenly some guy ( he was quite tall, probably the tallest person in the school) came up with a dumb nickname, 'Gomu'....
Believe me guys, the way gossip spreads around the class is something simply incredible...You cannot comprehend the speed at which gossip travels...probably somewhere near the speed of light....
Anyway, soon the nickname was known from this extreme to the other extreme, and everyone greeted me by shouting "GOMU!" aloud three times...Thus, the formal introductions were complete...
I was quite popular in popular that everyone were attracted by the charisma I radiated...even the crows....Especially the crows...
I always believe there is a reason for anything that happens in this world, however insignificant it may seem...But there used to be one incident that repeated itself without fail everyday....
During lunchbreaks, I used to sit with the scrawny guy with glasses whom I mentioned earlier, and another guy who was quite studious, but always insisted that he wasn't...
The usual place we used to go to was the grounds...We used to sit under a tree...The tree was always deserted, and usually no bird came and sat on it...But when it was time for lunch, some crows would appear out of nowhere and perch on the branch directly above my head to finish their daily know what I mean guys....The call of nature and all that...I never understood the reason behind this and I assume it was because of my charisma...
I was quite popular with all the teachers...They were always after me...
I was especially popular with the Physics department...There were two teachers in the Physics department...Both would always concentrate on me while teaching in class, looking for an opportunity to send me out of the class...Not wanting to disappoint them, I usually gave them one...
BTW, I think this post is getting quite bulky...So I'll continue about the bond between me and the Physics department in the next post...
Yup, that's right...Me!
As you might have guessed, the 'Goms' part of the blog title refers to my nickname... Don't ask me the origin or the meaning...I myself have no idea...
Anyway, the first day in the new school (in pondicherry) was quite eventful...for me, that is...
Just before I entered the class for the first hour, my bag inexplicably got cut at the straps (maybe it was an omen) and promptly fell of my back...
I nervously entered the class, only to find that I was about ten minutes late...I got a nice hearing from the class teacher and took my place between a scrawny guy with glasses and a well built guy in the corner row...
The introductions were made and everyone got settled in the class...Suddenly some guy ( he was quite tall, probably the tallest person in the school) came up with a dumb nickname, 'Gomu'....
Believe me guys, the way gossip spreads around the class is something simply incredible...You cannot comprehend the speed at which gossip travels...probably somewhere near the speed of light....
Anyway, soon the nickname was known from this extreme to the other extreme, and everyone greeted me by shouting "GOMU!" aloud three times...Thus, the formal introductions were complete...
I was quite popular in popular that everyone were attracted by the charisma I radiated...even the crows....Especially the crows...
I always believe there is a reason for anything that happens in this world, however insignificant it may seem...But there used to be one incident that repeated itself without fail everyday....
During lunchbreaks, I used to sit with the scrawny guy with glasses whom I mentioned earlier, and another guy who was quite studious, but always insisted that he wasn't...
The usual place we used to go to was the grounds...We used to sit under a tree...The tree was always deserted, and usually no bird came and sat on it...But when it was time for lunch, some crows would appear out of nowhere and perch on the branch directly above my head to finish their daily know what I mean guys....The call of nature and all that...I never understood the reason behind this and I assume it was because of my charisma...
I was quite popular with all the teachers...They were always after me...
I was especially popular with the Physics department...There were two teachers in the Physics department...Both would always concentrate on me while teaching in class, looking for an opportunity to send me out of the class...Not wanting to disappoint them, I usually gave them one...
BTW, I think this post is getting quite bulky...So I'll continue about the bond between me and the Physics department in the next post...
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Self Confidence
Self confidence... Don't be alarmed...This is not a psychology lecture...just the curious case of self confidence in my class...
Everyone has to have self confidence..Otherwise they wouldn't be able to do anything(worthwhile) properly...But if self confidence is taken to the extreme?
There was a guy in my class...He was an above average student and used to get good marks in all the subjects...
He had a pretty high opinion of himself and insisted that others too had to have the same opinion about him...
He never missed a chance to point out his importance in this world...If someone talked about Physics, he would helpfully add to the conversation,"Physics is nothing without me!"...
And if anyone mentioned school, he would join in,"School is nothing without me!"...
I mean, it's pretty good to be confident about oneself and all that, but this?
He used to behave as if he created the world of physics,biology,computer science and just about every other subject...except chemistry...a particular chemistry teacher inspired terror in our hearts..It affected even this guy...
Chemistry in our school and the teachers are worth mentioning in the blog, and they deserve a seperate post...
Anyway, to continue... He was actually a good guy and everything, except for the small matter of his self importance in this world.... Maybe he was just joking and that was his idea of humour...or maybe he was really serious about it...
Who knows?
Everyone has to have self confidence..Otherwise they wouldn't be able to do anything(worthwhile) properly...But if self confidence is taken to the extreme?
There was a guy in my class...He was an above average student and used to get good marks in all the subjects...
He had a pretty high opinion of himself and insisted that others too had to have the same opinion about him...
He never missed a chance to point out his importance in this world...If someone talked about Physics, he would helpfully add to the conversation,"Physics is nothing without me!"...
And if anyone mentioned school, he would join in,"School is nothing without me!"...
I mean, it's pretty good to be confident about oneself and all that, but this?
He used to behave as if he created the world of physics,biology,computer science and just about every other subject...except chemistry...a particular chemistry teacher inspired terror in our hearts..It affected even this guy...
Chemistry in our school and the teachers are worth mentioning in the blog, and they deserve a seperate post...
Anyway, to continue... He was actually a good guy and everything, except for the small matter of his self importance in this world.... Maybe he was just joking and that was his idea of humour...or maybe he was really serious about it...
Who knows?
Gang Wars
Gang Wars...It happens all the time in school...It's really silly, actually...The things people fight about...
Anyway, as you might have guessed, there was a major gang war going on in my class... There were two sides (obviously! what was that thing about the sound of one hand clapping???), and boy, they meant business!
Both the sides used to stare daggers at each other and used every chance to insult the 'opposition'... Poor me...I was stuck in between, not wanting to involve myself in the fight...Then one side asked me to choose between the two, and asked me where my loyalty lay...I managed to be diplomatic...That turned to be a mistake...(I was sought after by everyone in those days...I was quite popular)
I was suspected as a spy (seriously, what were they thinking? That this was a World War?? A spy??)... One side thought I was passing information to the other side, and the other side thought the same thing too... So I was caught in between, treated as a traitor by both the sides....
Anyway, to cut a long story short, this behaviour continued throughout the school life...I once asked one side," Why are you both fighting like this? What is the cause for your rivalry?". When the leader replied, I didn't understand a word of it...
It all had to do with some insult that happened years ago (well, not actually years, more along the lines of months), and something about the memory power of elephants...
So, like I said at the beginning, there are no logical reasons for such rivalry between students... This particular rivalry was puffed up to the level of a World War....But anyway, there's a saying...'All's well that ends well'...Now members of both the gangs are in friendly terms with each other...I wish they had thought of this during school life...
Anyway, as you might have guessed, there was a major gang war going on in my class... There were two sides (obviously! what was that thing about the sound of one hand clapping???), and boy, they meant business!
Both the sides used to stare daggers at each other and used every chance to insult the 'opposition'... Poor me...I was stuck in between, not wanting to involve myself in the fight...Then one side asked me to choose between the two, and asked me where my loyalty lay...I managed to be diplomatic...That turned to be a mistake...(I was sought after by everyone in those days...I was quite popular)
I was suspected as a spy (seriously, what were they thinking? That this was a World War?? A spy??)... One side thought I was passing information to the other side, and the other side thought the same thing too... So I was caught in between, treated as a traitor by both the sides....
Anyway, to cut a long story short, this behaviour continued throughout the school life...I once asked one side," Why are you both fighting like this? What is the cause for your rivalry?". When the leader replied, I didn't understand a word of it...
It all had to do with some insult that happened years ago (well, not actually years, more along the lines of months), and something about the memory power of elephants...
So, like I said at the beginning, there are no logical reasons for such rivalry between students... This particular rivalry was puffed up to the level of a World War....But anyway, there's a saying...'All's well that ends well'...Now members of both the gangs are in friendly terms with each other...I wish they had thought of this during school life...
A person should have an ambition...But a reasonable one...
Lot of guys in my class never understood the 'reasonable' part of it...
For example, a guy wanted to become an IAS officer and a fashion designer and an engineer at the same time! Dunno what he finally decided on now though....
We used to have those counselling classes in school...A waste of one hour, if you ask me...the guys weren't really interested...
Anyway, in one of these classes, we were once asked what we wanted to become....
Naturally you could see doctors and engineers and sometimes even IAS officers creeping into the list....The really different ones included: Fashion designer, rock star, electrician(??? Poor guy was very bad in studies, hence the choice....But where would we be without electricians???) and film technician...
Naturally, I didn't have a clue of what was going on...when my turn came to expose my career choice to the class I stared around wild-eyed and managed to combine two or three choices of other people...I came up with this: Computer Related Electrical Psychology.... ok, I know you people reading this are giving me a weird look, but I was really desperate and cornered...I just blabbered the first thing that came to my mind...luckily the teacher didn't hear it...She asked me to repeat it, and with a discreet murmur from the person sitting next to me, I managed to say something decent like 'Computer Engineer'....
Had she heard my original choice, I would have been packed off to a psychologist's office myself!
So, guys...Make sure your ambitions are reasonable and good choices...
And be sure to check it with your friend sitting next to you in class atleast a couple of times!!!
Lot of guys in my class never understood the 'reasonable' part of it...
For example, a guy wanted to become an IAS officer and a fashion designer and an engineer at the same time! Dunno what he finally decided on now though....
We used to have those counselling classes in school...A waste of one hour, if you ask me...the guys weren't really interested...
Anyway, in one of these classes, we were once asked what we wanted to become....
Naturally you could see doctors and engineers and sometimes even IAS officers creeping into the list....The really different ones included: Fashion designer, rock star, electrician(??? Poor guy was very bad in studies, hence the choice....But where would we be without electricians???) and film technician...
Naturally, I didn't have a clue of what was going on...when my turn came to expose my career choice to the class I stared around wild-eyed and managed to combine two or three choices of other people...I came up with this: Computer Related Electrical Psychology.... ok, I know you people reading this are giving me a weird look, but I was really desperate and cornered...I just blabbered the first thing that came to my mind...luckily the teacher didn't hear it...She asked me to repeat it, and with a discreet murmur from the person sitting next to me, I managed to say something decent like 'Computer Engineer'....
Had she heard my original choice, I would have been packed off to a psychologist's office myself!
So, guys...Make sure your ambitions are reasonable and good choices...
And be sure to check it with your friend sitting next to you in class atleast a couple of times!!!
Stupidity is one of the things that has fascinated me for many years....I always wondered if there were people who were really really stupid....
I soon found out that there were certain people who gave a whole new definition to the term 'dumb'...
There was this guy who I mentioned in my previous post...Pathabeen...
I still don't know if he was really dumb, or if he was ridiculously intelligent that I couldn't understand his viewpoints....I like to incline towards the former...
He was a Shakespeare maniac...that is to say, he was so inspired by the 'Bard of Avon' (that's another name for Shakespeare guys...improve your g.k.!) that he adopted the Shakespeare style of English....I am talking about lines like "Me thinks..".....
His( Pathabeen's) grammar was a source of constant fascination to all my classmates....We used to puzzle over his sentences for hours together and finally gave up in frustration...
Some of his famous lines include:
1. "Who is you,why is you,What is you?" Note:He actually asked this question to a newcomer who fled in fear and never came to class again...
2. "Me thinks that..." Note: He used to start his conversations in this manner...
3. "I is going to face this exam with courage" Note: Before exam
4. "I is written the exam with willpower and courage" Note: After exam
And so on....
I leave you to puzzle over these sentences and find out whether he was dumb,intelligent or just trying to be funny...
I soon found out that there were certain people who gave a whole new definition to the term 'dumb'...
There was this guy who I mentioned in my previous post...Pathabeen...
I still don't know if he was really dumb, or if he was ridiculously intelligent that I couldn't understand his viewpoints....I like to incline towards the former...
He was a Shakespeare maniac...that is to say, he was so inspired by the 'Bard of Avon' (that's another name for Shakespeare guys...improve your g.k.!) that he adopted the Shakespeare style of English....I am talking about lines like "Me thinks..".....
His( Pathabeen's) grammar was a source of constant fascination to all my classmates....We used to puzzle over his sentences for hours together and finally gave up in frustration...
Some of his famous lines include:
1. "Who is you,why is you,What is you?" Note:He actually asked this question to a newcomer who fled in fear and never came to class again...
2. "Me thinks that..." Note: He used to start his conversations in this manner...
3. "I is going to face this exam with courage" Note: Before exam
4. "I is written the exam with willpower and courage" Note: After exam
And so on....
I leave you to puzzle over these sentences and find out whether he was dumb,intelligent or just trying to be funny...
Friday, May 7, 2010
Weird characters
You wouldn't believe the type of kids you meet in school...They range from 'human computers' to 'trolls'...For instance, there was this girl (why does it always have to be a girl?) who could answer the questions posed by the teachers correctly,BEFORE the teachers could frame them in their mind! Creepy right? Almost borders on psychic.... Oh, alright...I'm exaggerating...but really she was-is-very intelligent and she held the status of a mini-god in class when it came to studies...That must have been really great....Look at me,I'm just the average lazy scrawny kid who used to be sent out of the class everyday just because his homework constituted part of his dog's diet...I can't control a dog's diet, can I?
But there were the 'trolls' too, people who wanted the Google search engine in a floppy!!
I tried to reason with the guy ( Let's call him Pathabeen, to avoid confusion...P.S. I'm not good at giving fictitious names, please try to adjust) that Google was not something you could put in a floppy...I mean, it's not exactly a 1.44 MB file, is it?'ll be reading of many incidents and people with personality disorders in this blog...have fun reading...
But there were the 'trolls' too, people who wanted the Google search engine in a floppy!!
I tried to reason with the guy ( Let's call him Pathabeen, to avoid confusion...P.S. I'm not good at giving fictitious names, please try to adjust) that Google was not something you could put in a floppy...I mean, it's not exactly a 1.44 MB file, is it?'ll be reading of many incidents and people with personality disorders in this blog...have fun reading...
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