The Good Ol' Days

I created this blog to share my school life and the different set of characters I was surrounded by in school with you.
I think you will find many funny incidents and not-so-funny incidents that happened to me in school in this blog.
No offense meant to any person. All the views and opinions are my personal views and I am solely responsible for them.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Stupidity is one of the things that has fascinated me for many years....I always wondered if there were people who were really really stupid....
I soon found out that there were certain people who gave a whole new definition to the term 'dumb'...
There was this guy who I mentioned in my previous post...Pathabeen...
I still don't know if he was really dumb, or if he was ridiculously intelligent that I couldn't understand his viewpoints....I like to incline towards the former...

He was a Shakespeare maniac...that is to say, he was so inspired by the 'Bard of Avon' (that's another name for Shakespeare guys...improve your g.k.!) that he adopted the Shakespeare style of English....I am talking about lines like "Me thinks..".....
His( Pathabeen's) grammar was a source of constant fascination to all my classmates....We used to puzzle over his sentences for hours together and finally gave up in frustration...
Some of his famous lines include:
1. "Who is you,why is you,What is you?"  Note:He actually asked this question to a newcomer who fled in fear and never came to class again...

2. "Me thinks that..." Note: He used to start his conversations in this manner...

3. "I is going to face this exam with courage" Note: Before exam

4. "I is written the exam with willpower and courage" Note: After exam

And so on....

I leave you to puzzle over these sentences and find out whether he was dumb,intelligent or just trying to be funny...

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