The Good Ol' Days

I created this blog to share my school life and the different set of characters I was surrounded by in school with you.
I think you will find many funny incidents and not-so-funny incidents that happened to me in school in this blog.
No offense meant to any person. All the views and opinions are my personal views and I am solely responsible for them.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A coincidental coincidence!

Hi guys...
I wanted to share an incident that once happened when I was in school (Isn't that what this blog is all about??)...It really freaks me out even now, whenever I think of it...
One day, we were in the computer lab, coz it was a free period for us...
So me and my group of friends decided to type in pathabeen's name in google, just for the heck of it...To see what would the results show...
So we opened google and typed in his name...As soon as we clicked the search button, there was a power cut in the school! Call me crazy, but I, for one, don't think it was a coincidence...
Because I happen to know for a fact that a few days later, pathabeen himself was curious and typed in his name...Yeah, full points, you guessed it right...It happened again...!!
I can't understand, and won't even try to, why this happened...Could it be that his name held some mysterious power?
I would put this incident somewhere in the vicinity of the top ten Mysteries Unsolved...
BTW, I'm having my semester exams from I may not be able to post anything till they get over....But I'll be on the lookout for opportunities to post something...Till then, take care!

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