The Good Ol' Days

I created this blog to share my school life and the different set of characters I was surrounded by in school with you.
I think you will find many funny incidents and not-so-funny incidents that happened to me in school in this blog.
No offense meant to any person. All the views and opinions are my personal views and I am solely responsible for them.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Department of Physics

Physics....Not one of my favourites...I had to put up with all the stuff like cyclotron, solenoid and other gizmos for two whole years...
There were two teachers, like I mentioned before...Let's call them A and B...

A looked like a soft-spoken, gentle teacher at the first glance...Once you get the privilege of being pinched by her, you would change your opinion instantly... I was one of the lucky to have been pinched by her almost everyday...
As I said earlier, I was very lazy (and still am, for that matter) and didn't like the prospect of completing my notes before entering the class...She didn't like the prospect of me NOT completing my notes before entering the classes...This difference in our views usually led to the scene of me being sent out of class, or, in the more extreme cases, to the Principal's chamber... I was usually able to get out of such tricky situations by my quick thinking ( I used to fall at their feet, crying and begging for mercy)... Soon she got fed up of sending me out everyday, and stopped taking any notice of me...
After some months she got transferred, and a new teacher came to fill the post...B....
B was quite a character....He used to look so serious and yet joked at the same time.... Soon the same situation arose...This time for the lab record...
I can't forget that day when I went to get my record signed...Many of you would have heard of the term 'Kodak moments'... His reaction when I submitted my record was a genuine 'Kodak moment'... You ask why? I hadn't gotten my record signed even once since the beginning of the year!
He was so flustered that he didn't know what to do...finally he just signed the record without saying anything...This is a secret technique guys...Fluster the teacher so badly that he will just sign and won't ask anything....
The Chemistry Department was another matter....


  1. i would not call the narration of incident a mere exaggeration .I stood beside GOMU that day. I still could not forget the expression on our teachers face.
    "Both jaws wide open with a nonusual sound". the next thing our teacher said "you and i can enjoy another year together but this time u dont have to take of your record". Then he ignored gomu for about a hour and a half before signing the record.
